Association FAQ

Where are Emerald Lake Condominiums located?
This unbelievably lovely setting is located just west of Okemos Road only 1 mile north of Meridian Mall.

What is the setting of the community?
The setting for Emerald Lake Condominiums is impressive with stately trees, rustic natural areas and carefully planned landscaping to insure privacy and provide a natural backdrop for the brick and cedar architecture.  As part of Wildwood Lakes, Emerald Lake has over 50 acres of woods, trails, and lakes for outdoor enjoyment.

The atmosphere is more like “Northern Cottage” than East Lansing condo, but this secluded community is in Meridian Township and the Okemos school district with an East Lansing address.  Residents are treated to sightings of deer, ducks, geese, a wide variety of birds and an occasional wild turkey.

How many units are there in Emerald Lake?

What is the monthly association fee for Emerald Lake Condominiums?
$400 per month. 

What does the association fee cover?
The fee includes structural insurance, flood insurance, all exterior maintenance (except washing windows), lawn and landscape care, snow removal, reserve account for future maintenance, maintenance of open land and lakes, irrigation system, trash pick-up, and more.  The "Association Responsibility" column on the "Responsibilities" page shows this in more detail.

The monthly fees cover the operating budget as well as maintaining the association Reserve Account.  An annual budget and statement of reserves can be provided upon request to the Association.

What is a Reserve Account?
The Association Reserve Account are for capital expenditures not considered to be regular maintenance items covered by the operating budget.

Okay, I understand that lawn care, snow removal, garbage pick-up are regular maintenance expenses that are covered by the monthly association fee through the operating budget.  How are longer term maintenance projects covered?  The Association has a plan that provides a budget and a schedule to provide units with new roofing, exterior painting, asphalt maintenance, and trimming of the forest canopy.  These expenditures are funded by the Association Reserve Account.  Barring unforeseen emergency projects, this schedule is followed.  Any questions you may have about specific units can be answered by contacting Krimson at 333-9622..

I understand that some units are in flood plain, what does this mean?
First, let’s put Emerald Lake in context of Meridian Township.

Meridian Township (based on Township Engineering Department information):

  • Is 36 square miles
  • Approximately 6.5 square miles of the Township are in designated flood plains
  • There are 13,766 parcels in the Township
  • Approximately 2,467 are designated flood plains, which is 18% of the Township

Okay, that’s great information about Meridian Township, but how about Emerald Lake?
Emerald Lake Condominiums:

  • Has 141 units
  • 14 units are currently classified by the Township as being in a designated flood plain. (10% of the units)
  • 13 other units were removed from flood plain status by Meridian Township through the work of the association.

How can I get more information or a current status?
You can get additional Information and a current flood plain status by contacting Krimson at 333-9622.